Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2002
Ensuring sustainable livelihoods:

challenges for governments, corporates, and civil society at Rio+10
8 - 11 February 2002, New Delhi

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DSDS 2002

  bullet.gif (90 bytes) Introduction
  bullet.gif (90 bytes) Themes
  bullet.gif (90 bytes) Speakers
  bullet.gif (90 bytes) Papers
  bullet.gif (90 bytes) Programme
    - 8 Feb. 2002
    - 9 Feb. 2002
    - 10 Feb. 2002
    - 11 Feb. 2002
bullet.gif (90 bytes) Summit bulletin
bullet.gif (90 bytes) Media coverage
bullet.gif (90 bytes) Global support
  bullet.gif (90 bytes) Register
bullet.gif (90 bytes) Useful information
bullet.gif (90 bytes) Contact us


  bullet.gif (90 bytes) DSDS 2001
Conference proceedings
bullet.gif (90 bytes) TERI silver jubilee
Conference proceedings

Elsbeth Sande Tronstad
State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Norway

Date of birth: 19 June 1956

Education: Cand. mag. degree in political science, psychology and mass communication, University of Oslo. Graduate studies in political science.


Work experience

Oct. 2001: State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2001: Group Director of information and public relations, ABB AS

2000–2001: Director of Public Relations, ABB AS

1996–2000: Head of Information for global oil, gas and petrochemical activities, ABB AS

1993–1996: Head of Information, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

1992–1993: Information Officer, Det norske Veritas

1991: Project Coordinator for television campaign ‘A New Life’

1989–1991: Political adviser to Prime Minister Jan P. Syse, Office of the Prime Minister

1986–1989: Chief Organization Officer, Norwegian Conservative Party

1983–1985: Elected Head of Norwegian Youth Council

1980: Adviser on developing countries, Norwegian Youth Council

1977: Head of Organizational Affairs, Association of Young Conservatives in Norway



2000: Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Conservative Party

1984–1986: Alternate member of the Bærum Municipal Youth Board

1980–1983: Member of the Bærum Municipal Council

1976–1979: Alternate member of the Bærum Municipal Welfare Committee

1975–1991: Various posts in the Conservative Party


Other experience

1999–2000: Member of a cross-party committee appointed by the Office of the Prime Minister to examine working conditions for ministers, state secretaries and political advisers

1995–1996: Member of a government-appointed committee to propose new rules for grants to voluntary children’s and young people’s organizations

1985–1986: Chairman of the Bærum branch of the Nordic Association

1979–1985: Represented Norwegian youth organizations in the Nordic Council, the EC, the Council of Europe and pan-Europe youth cooperation efforts. Headed Norwegian delegations and negotiating teams at various international conferences.


Board memberships

2001: Deputy member of the executive board at Sparebanken NOR

Member of the board at the Oslo, Akershus and Østfold branch of Sparebanken NOR

Languages: Norwegian, English, some German and French