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Program: 22 Jan. 2007 | 23 Jan. 2007 | 24 Jan. 2007 | Summit Bulletin
Special Events | Presentations
Inaugural Session in progress
Left to Right: Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI; Smt Sheila Dikshit, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi, India ; Mr A Raja, Hon'ble Minister for Environment & Forests, Ministry of Environment & Forests, India; Dr Arcot Ramachandran, Chairman, TERI, New Delhi

Since its commencement in 2001, the DSDS has emerged as an important annual event, inspiring leaders and mobilizing public opinion on the objectives of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals). In the opening session of DSDS 2007, speakers noted that policy formulations are already beginning to stress the tenuous links between environmental concerns, economic development, and social justice. Since climate change is an ongoing process and there are multi-dimensional impacts associated with it, there is need to develop adequate and appropriate coping strategies. This, it was felt, will help civilizations adapt better to climate change.

The Annual CEO Forum
The high-profile curtain raiser involving industry leaders 21 January 2007
CEO Forum - 2007>

World Sustainable Development Forum:
Globalizing the DSDS

A major institutional innovation achieved during 2006 was the establishment of the WSDF (World Sustainable Development Forum). This Forum has been inspired by the success of the DSDS and the need for spreading the message from each annual summit to different parts of the world. The WSDF, therefore, will organize events in different locations not only to understand and disseminate information on issues of sustainable development in particular regions but also to study, monitor, and report on achievements or the lack of them in this field.

  WSDF Patrons

HE Mr Kjell Magne Bondevik
Former Prime Minister of Norway

HE Mr Maumoon Abdul Gayoom President, Republic of Maldives;

HE Mr Olafur Ragnar Grimsson
President of Iceland

HE Ms Tarja Halonen
President of Finland

Mr Jeffrey Immelt
Chairman & CEO, General Electric Company, USA

Mr Kamal Nath
Hon’ble Minister for Commerce & Industry, Government of India

Mr A Raja
Hon’ble Minister for Environment and Forests, Government of India

Dr Jose Antonio Ocampo
Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations

Lord John Browne
Group Chief Executive, BP

Prof Jeffrey D Sachs
Director, The Earth Institute , Columbia University, USA

Dr Shoichiro Toyoda
Honorary Chairman/ Member of the Board, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan


Government of India
Ministry of Environment & Forests

British High Commission
New Delhi

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Media Partners

Communications Partner

The Summit Secretariat, TERI, Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003, India
Tel. (+91 11) 2468 2100 or 4150900, Fax (+91 11) 2468 2144 or 2468 2145, E-mail dsds@teri.res.in