Sustainable Development Summit 2009
Conference Venue:
Hotel Ashok, New Delhi

The summit called for a global concerted
effort to enable transition to low carbon economies, and enhance
adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities through sustainable
financing mechanisms and technological resources. Themed 'Towards
Copenhagen: an equitable and ethical approach' the DSDS
2009 saw participation of stakeholders from various parts
of the world comprising of Head of States, representative
s from multilateral and bilateral development organisations,
governments, the corporate sector, non-governmental organisations,
academia, Nobel Laureates and research institutions.
The three- day summit explored options for an ethics based
framework for future climate regime addressing Adaptation
and Mitigation challenges, especially in the developing countries
and the Africa region. On the adaptation front, the Summit
explored priorities, capacity building needs and adaptation
measures in Asia and Africa. more
of Proceedings