7 February
(India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi)
Summit bulletin
 Keynote address 6
 Leadership is key to sustainable development

Session chair: Dr Claude Martin, Director-General, WWF International, Gland;
Speaker: Mr Borge Brende, Hon’ble Minister of Environment, Government of Norway, Oslo and Chairman, United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, New York

Mr Borge Brende
Hon’ble Minister of Environment, Government of Norway, Oslo and Chairman, United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, New York

'The enthusiasm and leadership demonstrated by organizations like TERI can have a crucial impact on sustainable development.'

'To help the poor access financial resources, micro financing has been developed. One example is the SEWA Bank in India.'

'We must focus on governance, foster creative solutions to the finance challenge, and mobilize all actors into action.'

  Ministerial session
  Taking Stock: Have We Achieved Anything Since WSSD

Left to Right: Mr Erich Stather, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany;
Ms Sheila Dikshit,
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi; Dr Jan P Pronk, Chairman, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council and Special Envoy for the Secretary General, United Nations, The Netherlands; Mr Elliot Morley, Hon’ble Minister for Environment, DEFRA, UK; Mr Pekka Haavisto, Hon’ble Former Minister of Environment and Development Cooperation, Finland


Ms Sheila Dikshit
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi

'Nothing is unlimited, particularly water. We must make the people recognize the necessity of conserving water.'


Mr Pekka Haavisto
Hon’ble Former Minister of Environment and Development Cooperation, Finland

'If one is the minister for development, the major enemy one has to struggle with is the minister for finance.'


Mr Elliot Morley
Hon’ble Minister for Environment, DEFRA, UK

'It is a mistake to present the sustainability agenda in terms of environment versus development. They must go hand in hand.'


Mr Erich Stather
State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

'The success of Johannesburg is not measured by the impacts of government action alone. It also depends on partnerships, without which we will not reach our targets.'

 Ministerial session
 Charting the Path Ahead: Creating Political Resolve and Forward Momentum

Left to Right: Ms Martha Wangari Karua, Hon'ble Minister for Water Resources Management and Development, Kenya;
Prof. Yoginder K Alagh, Former Minister of Power, and Science and Technology, Government of India;
Mr Apolonio Ruiz Ligero, Vice Governor, Council of Europe Development Bank, Paris; Mr Børge Brende, Hon’ble Minister of Environment, Government of Norway and Chairman, United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development;
Mr Omar Abdullah, Hon’ble Former Minister of Minister ofState for External Affairs, Government of India;
Mr Pieter van Geel,
State Secretary, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment, Government of the Netherlands


Mr Pieter van Geel
State Secretary, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment, Government of the Netherlands

'The road may be long and winding but we do have a compass to chart the route to sustainable development.'

'Investment is about Profits but it should also be about the other two Ps: People and Planet.'


Prof. Yoginder K Alagh
Former Minister of Power, and Science and Technology, Government of India

'Diversification is very important. Unfortunately, rural diversification in food and agricultural production has received a setback.'


Ms Martha Wangari Karua
Hon'ble Minister for Water Resources Management and Development, Kenya

'We will never achieve the Millennium Development Goals if we focus only on aid and not on maximizing existing resources.'


Mr Omar Abdullah
Hon’ble Former Minister of Minister ofState for External Affairs, Government of India

'If we [politicians] cannot build the resolve, let institutions like TERI and the courts do it. Put pressure on us to build the resolve for sustainable development.'

 Valedictory Session
 Joining Hands: Common Goals and Partnerships Across Borders

Left to Right: Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI, New Delhi and Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva; Ambassador Arne Walther, Secretary General, International Energy Forum, Riyadh; Mr Björn Stigson, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland; Dr Claude Martin, Director General, WWF International, Gland, Switzerland; Dr Jan P Pronk, Chairman, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council & Special Envoy for the Secretary General, United Nations

  Ambassador Arne Walther
Secretary General, International Energy Forum, Riyadh

Dr R K Pachauri
Director-General, TERI, New Delhi and Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva

'Enormous lessons can be taken from one part of the world into another, despite differences in culture. There is a need for a formal framework for partnerships.'


Dr Claude Martin
Director General, WWF International, Gland, Switzerland

'Is poverty eradication only an income issue?'


Dr Jan P Pronk
Chairman, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council & Special Envoy for the Secretary General, United Nations

'The scarcest resource is power… Those with more power ought to share and take two steps backwards.'

'Monitoring of action is not action. So go through the layer of people who ‘know’ everything to the people who ‘share’ in the process.'

 Concluding session
  Dr R K Pachauri
Director-General, TERI, New Delhi and Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva