Registration fee
(inclusive of refreshments, lunch, dinner and conference documentation)
Corporates |
US $600 |
Rs 10000/- |
Academic institutions/ NGO/Government |
US $300 |
Rs 5000/- |
Mode of payment
Make bank transfers payable to:
Account no. 320 143 527
American Express Bank Pvt. Ltd
Hamilton House
A Block, Connaught Place
New Delhi - 110 001
To register for the DSDS 2004 summit you
could download the registration
form in PDF and return the completed form to The Summit Secretariat,
TERI, Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi –
110 003, India
Fax (+91 11) 2468 2144 or 2468 2145, Tel. (+91 11) 2468 2138
or 2468 2100/11, E-mail
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