Support opportunities for corporates

Rs 20 lakh

The Summit invites large corporate houses as Partners. This exclusive opportunity would be extended only by invitation, as limited slots are available.

A year’s free membership to CoRE–BCSD, India, a platform for corporate leaders to address issues related to sustainable development (priced at Rs 1.25 lakh)
Partnership to TERI’s GREEN India 1997–2002 study and association with all outreach activities related to the study
Eight (8) guest invitations, valued at over
Rs 80 000, to the Summit for sponsor executives
Company name and logo to be included in publicity brochures, Summit folder, and advertising associated with DSDS 2004
Prominent display of company name and logo on the Summit banner displayed during all sessions
Prominent display of company name and logo on press releases issued for DSDS 2004 to print, television, and electronic media within India and abroad
Inclusion of Sponsor Company Profile (one page) in Partners section of Summit folder
Montage on the presentation screen, along with that of other sponsors, before and after the two tea/coffee breaks and lunch
DSDS letterheads to endorse the association; these are expected to reach out to more than 50 000 select invitees.
Display and distribution of corporate literature at the Sponsor Document Centre
Corporate profile on DSDS page on TERI web site (which receives over 1 million hits per month) with hotlink to sponsor web sites
Acknowledgement in all brochures distributed to a niche group as an outreach and momentum building exercise commencing from August 2003
Partner profile to be featured in the special DSDS 2004 ‘Curtain-raiser’ issue of TERIVISION (a TERI news service with extensive reach in national and international media)
Special Summit round-up issues of TERISCOPE and TERIGLOBE – TERI’s widely read newsletters – to include exclusive feature/interview of the CEO/Head of the partner organization (Both newsletters reach out to a plethora of readers representing governments, policy-making bodies, scientific research institutes, social and environmental NGOs, academic institutions, bilaterals and multilaterals, financial institutions, and the media.)

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Rs 10 lakh

DSDS 2004 extends an exclusive opportunity to corporate houses to join the endeavour as Summit Associates.

A year’s free membership to CoRE–BCSD, India, a platform for corporate leaders to address issues related to sustainable development (priced at Rs 1.25 lakh)
Subscription to TERI’s GREEN India 1997–2002 study and association with all outreach activities related to the study
Four (4) guest invitations to the Summit, valued at over Rs 40 000, for sponsor
Company name and logo to be included in publicity brochures, Summit folder, and advertising associated with DSDS 2004
Prominent display of company name and logo on the Summit banner displayed during all sessions
Prominent display of company name and logo on press releases issued for DSDS 2004 to print, television, and electronic media in India and abroad
Inclusion of sponsor company profile (one page) in Associates section of Summit folder
Montage on the presentation screen, along with that of other sponsors, before and after the two tea/coffee breaks and lunch
Corporate profile on DSDS page on TERI web site (which receives over 1 million hits per month) with hotlink to sponsor web sites
DSDS letterheads to endorse the association; these are expected to reach out to more than 50 000 select invitees.
Display and distribution of corporate literature at the Sponsor Document Centre
Associate profile to be featured in the special DSDS 2004 ‘Curtain-raiser’
issue of TERIVISION (a TERI news service with extensive reach in national and international media)
Special Summit round-up issues of TERISCOPE and TERIGLOBE – TERI’s widely read
newsletters – to include the name and logo of Associates.

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The Summit also extends an opportunity to two (2) sponsors to underwrite the sponsorship of the Summit documentation and Summit kits.

Summit documentation
Rs 4 lakh

A sponsor may underwrite the cost of Summit folder documentation. This exclusive opportunity with wide visibility would include speeches/presentations made by speakers in original and would be an authoritative, continuing reference on DSDS 2004. It would also provide long-term exposure to a targeted audience as the documentation folder is distributed to all the delegates at the Summit.

Two (2) guest invitations to the Summit
sessions and functions
Sponsor company name and logo to be prominently displayed on the spine of the Summit folder
One full-page colour advertisement in the folder, serving as a divider in the proceedings
Display of Company/Organization name as
Co-associate on the Summit banner displayed during sessions
Company name and logo to be prominently displayed on brochures, Summit folder, and
advertising associated with DSDS 2004
Sponsor company profile (one page) to be included in Co-associates section of the Summit folder
Montage on the presentation screen, along with other sponsors, before and after the two tea/coffee breaks and lunch
DSDS letterheads to endorse the association; these are expected to reach out to more than 50 000 select invitees.
Display and distribution of corporate literature at the Sponsor Document Centre
Special discounts for additional registration from the sponsoring company
Corporate profile on DSDS page on TERI web site (which receives over 1 million hits per month) with hotlink to sponsor web sites
Complimentary insert of company brochure in the inside pocket of the Summit folder

Summit kit Rs 4 lakh

A sponsor may underwrite the cost of Summit kit, which is a high-quality document bag presented to all delegates during registration. It would provide yet another opportunity for maximum visibility as the company name and logo would be embossed on the kit.


Two (2) guest invitations to the Summit
Sponsor company name and logo together with the TERI logo to be prominently
embossed on the Summit kit
Display of company/organization name and
logo as Co-associate on the Summit banner displayed during sessions
Company name and logo to be prominently displayed on brochures, Summit folder, and advertising associated with DSDS 2004
Sponsor company profile (one page) to be included in Co-associates section of the Summit folder
Montage on the presentation screen, along with other sponsors, before and after the two
tea/coffee breaks and lunch
DSDS letterheads to endorse the association; these are expected to reach out to more than 50 000 select invitees.
Display and distribution of corporate literature at the Sponsor Document Centre
Corporate profile on DSDS page on TERI web site (which receives over 1 million hits per month) with hotlink to sponsor web sites.

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Function host

DSDS 2004 will extend the opportunity for companies to host any of the six (6) official functions, expected to be attended by about 400 delegates.

Rs 5 lakh - Summit Opening Reception on 4 February 2004
Rs 4 lakh - Summit Luncheons (3) on 5, 6, and 7 February 2004
Rs 5 lakh - Summit Dinners (2) on 6 and 7 February 2004

Two (2) guest invitations to the Summit sessions and all hosted functions
Company name and logo to be prominently displayed as Function Host on brochures, Summit folder, and advertising associated with DSDS 2004
Prominent display of company name on the Summit banner displayed during sessions
Sponsor company profile (one page) in Function Hosts section of Summit folder
Host company logo to appear on DSDS 2004 agenda and function signage
Montage on the presentation screen, along with other sponsors, before and after the two tea/coffee breaks and lunch
DSDS letterheads to endorse the association; these are expected to reach out to more than 50 000 select invitees.
Signage rights in function room/area
Display and distribution of corporate literature and products at the Sponsor Document Centre
Corporate profile on DSDS page on TERI web site (which receives over 1 million hits per month) with hotlink to sponsor web sites
Special discounts for additional registrations received from the sponsoring company.


For further details, please contact

Ms Annapurna Vancheswaran
Sustainable Development Outreach
Darbari Seth Block
Habitat Place, Lodhi Road
New Delhi – 110 003 / India
Fax (+91 11) 2468 2144 or 2468 2145
Tel. (+91 11) 2468 2161 or 2468 2100/11
