IFAT Delhi 2020
North India's Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Solid Waste and Recycling
The first edition of IFAT Delhi will take place alongside the World Sustainable Development Summit 2020 - The Energy and Resources lnstitute's (TERI) flagship event and one of the largest international events dedicated to sustainable development. By launching its second IFAT trade fair in India, Messe Muenchen India aims to establish the event as a strong platform for the environmental community in the country's north. Taking place in New Delhi, the power center of India, IFAT Delhi and WSDS 2020 will bring together policy makers, local government and change makers to discuss key national and topical issues concerning the environment.
Key Facts
Date: January 29-31, 2020, 10.00 am to 6.00 pm | Venue: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Date: January 29-31, 2020, 10.00 am to 6.00 pm | Venue: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Exhibitors at IFAT Delhi
Exibitors | Stall No. | Company URL | Exibitors | Stall No. | Company URL |
Inch Enviro Technologies Pvt. Ltd. | A01 | http://www.inchgroup.co.in | Nature Tech enviro Protection Limited | A34 | http://www.naturetech.org.in |
Thapar Engineering Works | A02 | http://www.duromech.in | MBH Pumps (Guj) Pvt. Ltd. | A35 | http://www.mbhpumps.com |
PT Ecological Services Pvt. Ltd. | A04 | http://www.ptespl.com | SSP Pvt. Limited | A36 | http://www.sspindia.com |
Weima Maschinenbau GmbH | A05 | http://www.weima.com | Global Instruments Company | A37 | http://www.gicgroup.co.in |
Sarvo Technologies Ltd. | A06, A07 | http://www.sarvo.com | Membrane Group India Pvt. Ltd. | A38 | http://www.membranegroupindia.com |
Permionics Membranes Pvt. Ltd. | A08 | http://wwww.permionics.com | Otto Waste Systems (S) Pvt. Ltd. | A39, A40 | http://www.ottoasiapac.com |
Reline UV Asean Pvt. Ltd. | A09 | http://www.reline-uv-asia.com | Endress+Hauser (India) Pvt. Ltd. | A41 | http://www.endress.com |
GEA Westfalia Separator India Pvt. Ltd. | A10 | http://www.gea.com | Metsi Enviro Tech Pvt. Ltd. | A42 | http://www.metsiet.com |
Filcart Industries | A11 | Dulevo International Spa | A43 | dulevo.com | |
Micro Transmission Systems | A12 | http://www.microtransmissionsystems.com | BMH India (Samkitec Resources) | A44 | http://www.samkigroup.in |
Shubham Acqualink (India) Pvt. Ltd | A13 | http://www.shubhamacqualink.com | Cloudtech Private Limited | A45 | http://www.cloudtec.in |
Alfa Therm Limited | A14 | www.alfathermltd.com | Standard Graphene | A46 | http://www.standardgraphene.com |
SIDSA Environmental Pvt. Ltd. | A17 | http://www.sidsa.ch | General Energy - Management Systems Pvt. Ltd. | A48 | http://www.gemsl.com |
Nay Enterprise | A18 | http://www.nayenterprise.com | Hermann Sewerin GmbH | A48 | http://www.sewerin.com |
Transcend Cleantec Pvt. Ltd. | A23 | http://www.transcendcleantec.com | Continental Engines Pvt. Ltd. | A55 | |
Apnova Infratek Pvt. Ltd. | A26 | http://www.apnova.in | Swan Environmental Pvt. Ltd. | A56 | http://www.swanenviron.com |
Cosmic Healers Pvt. Ltd. | A30 | http://www.cosmichealers.com | Astron Solpower Pvt. Ltd. | A57 | http://www.astronsolpower.com |
HP Composites LLP | A33 | http://www.hpint.in | Biogest Energie Und Wassertechnik GmbH | A57 | http://www.biogest.at |
Nature Tech enviro Protection Limited | A34 | http://www.naturetech.org.in | Element Materials Technology | A59 | http://www.element.com |
Transchem Agritech Pvt. Ltd. | A61 | http://www.tanschem.in |

Admission to IFAT Delhi
- Trade visitors only.
- Visitor registration is required.
- Admission to the trade fair is free of charge.
To book your spot, contact:
Renuka Chhatpar
Tel: +91 22 4255 4744 | Mobile: +91 95949 31771
Email: info@ifat-india.com
Renuka Chhatpar
Tel: +91 22 4255 4744 | Mobile: +91 95949 31771
Email: info@ifat-india.com
Admission to WSDS
For further details, please contact :
IFAT Delhi Visitor Target

Central & State Government
bodies, agencies


Jal Boards and
Public utilities

Control Boards

Food &

Chemical &


Construction &

About Messe Muenchen India
Founded in 2007 in India, Messe Muenchen India Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading organizers of trade fairs in India. Messe Muenchen India is a wholly owned subsidiary of Messe Muenchen, Germany. It organizes various B2B trade fairs across various industrial verticals. Messe Muenchen, together with its subsidiary Messe Muenchen India, expanded its international network of trade events for the environmental technology sector by launching IFAT India in 2013.
For further information, please contact
Bhola Mandal, Deputy Project Director
Messe Muenchen India Pvt. Ltd.
(Formerly known as MMI India Pvt. Ltd.)
Unit No. 762/862, Solitaire Corporate Park Building No. 7,
6th Floor, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093.
Tel: +91 22 4255 4726 Mobile: +91 99307 00292
Email: bhola.mandal@mm-india.in
Bhola Mandal, Deputy Project Director
Messe Muenchen India Pvt. Ltd.
(Formerly known as MMI India Pvt. Ltd.)
Unit No. 762/862, Solitaire Corporate Park Building No. 7,
6th Floor, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093.
Tel: +91 22 4255 4726 Mobile: +91 99307 00292
Email: bhola.mandal@mm-india.in
Gesine Hubner, Senior Exhibition Manager
Messe Munchen GmbH
Messegelande, 81823 Munchen
Germany Tel: +49 89 949 - 20298
Email: gesine.huebner@messe-muenchen.de
Gesine Hubner, Senior Exhibition Manager
Messe Munchen GmbH
Messegelande, 81823 Munchen
Germany Tel: +49 89 949 - 20298
Email: gesine.huebner@messe-muenchen.de