TERI in collaboration with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation hosted the first international Sustainable Action Dialogue in Monaco on July 3, 2019 as a curtain raiser to the 2020 edition of TERI's flagship event, the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS). Scheduled for 29 - 31 January, 2020, the WSDS will be held in New Delhi, India.
Screened at the Monaco event, this short film encapsulates the essence of the WSDS series and its journey over nineteen years, promoting sustainability and responsible action.
Date: 3 July, 2019 I Venue: Fairmont Monte-Carlo, Monaco
For the complete agenda, click here

Mr Ankan BanerjeeDeputy Chief of Mission
Embassy of India, France

Mr Kary BheemaiahEngagement Manager Fahrenheit 212 – Paris

Mr Jan GrimbrandtCEO & Chairman of the Board
Boson Energy

Mr Amit KumarSenior Director
Social Transformation

Mr Arno KerkhofBus Unit Leader, UITP
Brussels, Belgium

Ms Megha KumarAssociate Fellow & Area Convenor
Transport & Urban Governance

Dr Mohan Lal KolheProfessor
Faculty of Engineering & Science
University of Agder

H.E. Mr Patrick MedecinAmbassador of Monaco to India and Japan

Dr Ajay MathurDirector General

Mr Shri PrakashDistinguished Fellow
Transport & Urban Governance

Mr Christian RockeExhibition Group Director, IFAT

Mr Neil SpannManaging Director
Power Roll

Mr David TurkHead of the Strategic Initiatives International Energy Access (IEA)

Dr Annapurna VancheswaranSenior Director-Communication Outreach and Advocacy Unit

Dr Sandra WappelhorstResearcher
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
Media Gallery
- International dialogue of WSDS 2020 in Monaco to focus on renewable energy and electric mobility
2019-06-27 | Businessworld- Auto
- International dialogue of WSDS 2020 in Monaco to focus on renewable energy and electric mobility
2019-06-27 | Energy Next
- WSDS 2020 International dialogue in Monaco to focus on RE & E-Mobility
2019-06-27 | Energetica
- TERI and Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation join hands towards achieving clean energy transitions
2019-06-27 | EQ International
- International dialogue of WSDS 2020 in Monaco to focus on renewable energy and electric mobility
2019-06-29 | Daily Hunt
Past Sustainable Action Dialogues
With the aim of widening the scope and outreach of the WSDS, a series of pre-events in the form of sustainable action dialogues are held prior to the Summit. The discussions held during these dialogues are brought forward to the main Summit stage where they are further matured and discussed in-depth by experts and practitioners from relevant fields.
Past international dialogues have been held in:
- New York, USA (2018): ‘Energy transitions: Reconciling Competing Imperatives of Development and Environment Sustainability’ in association with ETC India
- Kazakhstan (2017): The Role of Green Accounting and Carbon Finance
- Suva, Fiji (2017): Furthering the FIPIC Agenda through Sustainability Initiatives
Following the Monaco Sustainable Action Dialogue on 3 July, 2019, the second international dialogue is scheduled in New York, USA. This Dialogue will be held along the lines of the UN Climate Summit on 23 September, 2019. It will focus on the broad theme of ‘Energy Transitions’.