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Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2002
Ensuring sustainable livelihoods:

challenges for governments, corporates, and civil society at Rio+10
8 - 11 February 2002, New Delhi

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8 Feb. 2002 9 Feb. 2002 10 Feb. 2002 11 Feb. 2002
DSDS 2002: Plenary session 7, 10 February 2002

Food security and basic human needs
Ian Johnson
Vice President, Enviornmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA


  • Food security today - basic statistics, progress towards the millennium
    development goals, links to the World Food Summit - 5 years later

  • Food security, future - cornerstone of sustainable development, needs and
    prospects for the future, including population growth, rural-urban shifts, dietary change, agricultural intensification versus extensification, water constraints, climate change,

  • Potential Solutions - Science and Technology, the role of agricultural
    science (including biotechnology) for drought tolerance, soil nutrient deficiencies, nutritional quality, disease resistance, policy reform

  • Moving forward WSSD - World Bank's preparations for WSSD in this context, role of the international community.