DSDS - 2011
Tapping Local Initiatives and
Tackling Global Inertia
3-5 February 2011,Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi

Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh inaugurates DSDS 2011

Delivering the inaugural address,
Dr Manmohan Singh, Hon�ble Prime Minister of India emphasized on the importance of the summit...more>>

Sustainable Development Leadership Award

India has to develop rapidly to ensure a reasonable and respectable level of existence of its citizens. Growth of the Indian economy will benefit other nations too through the instrument of international. However, we all have to ensure that is made progressively. Technology, Research and environmental conscience thus holds the key.

Dr Manmohan Singh- a profile

World CEO Forum: 'Opportunities for Green Development: Rio +20 and beyond'

Welcoming the august gathering to the
World CEO Forum 2011... more>>

Special Address by Mr Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Environment and Forests, GoI

Mr Jairam Ramesh focused primarily on the roadmap to be followed from Cancun... more>>

Keynote addresses by leaders-
VIP panel I - Policy challenges for sustainable growth

The august panel, comprising the Presidents of Afghanistan, Dominican Republic... more>>

Special address by Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Hon'ble Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, India

The session focused on the global agenda for achieving sustainability... more>>

Sustainability: The road towards robust global recovery

The session moderated by Mr Vikram Chandra opened with a question for ... more>>

Bearing the Costs

Several negotiations, ranging from Kyoto to Cancun... more>>

Transforming Societies for a Sustainable Future

Dr Yuan-Tseh Lee reflected on a time when humanity was a clear part ... more>>

Valedictory session: The way forward

Dr R K Pachauri began the session by paying tribute to Prof Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen... more>>

The World Sustainable Development Forum (WSDF), established by TERI in 2005, identifies, analyzes and disseminates policy interventions to enhance human well-being and create conditions for a sustainable future. The forum is supported by distinguished patrons and advisory committee members, comprising global leaders, policy makers, industry and academia. As part of its outreach activities, the forum conducts Regional Sustainable Development Summit (RSDS) and DSDS to spread key messages on issues of sustainable development in varied contexts. The forum conducted the first regional summit under the WSDF-RSDS series in Shirakawa, Japan in 2006, followed by the second RSDS in 2007 in Tunisia. In 2009, two regional summits were held in Greece and the Philippines on 'Climate Change and Challenges for Future Generations' and a 'High-level Dialogue on Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific: A Development Challenge', respectively. Under the WSDF-DSDS series, DSDS is being hosted annually since 2001.

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Special events of DSDS 2011 will be announced shortly.

Highlights of special events at DSDS 2010

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            Announcing DSDS 2012

Local Answers to a Global Challenge


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