This year’s World CEO Forum-curtain raiser to DSDS 2010 discussed
the overarching theme: ‘Vision for a Sustainable Tomorrow:
business as a game changer’ with three pillars of discussions
focusing on Vision 2050: the new agenda for business, Green Economy:
a transformation to address climate change and multiple crises, and
Water: the new challenge for the 21st century. The World CEO Forum,
organised by TERI Business Council for Sustainable development (BCSD
India), a partner of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable
Development), Geneva and a member of its regional network. Present
at the inaugural session were, Dr RK Pachauri, President, TERI-BCSD
India & Director General, TERI, Mr Bjoern Stigson, President,
WBCSD, Mr Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, Dr Ajay Mathur,
Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency among other dignitaries.
For Agenda, List of Participants and other details, please visit
World CEO Forum Sponsors
