7 February 2010

Ministerial Session II - Why do we need a binding agreement?


He stated that an LBA was essential not only for providing market certainty in order to mobilize private sector resources, but also for providing political certainty to catalyze governmental efforts.
He highlighted the specific nuances of why we need an LBA given that members are democratically bound through public opinion, scientifically bound by the seriousness of the issue, in addition to being economically bound to achieve a transition towards a low carbon economy.
She said that for any long-term project in a market-based economy, a LBA is crucial for it reduces uncertainty. In addition, she suggested that an effective strategy should perhaps also include a range of agreements at the regional and sectoral level.
HE Ms Lykke Friis Minister for Climate and Energy, Denmark   HE Mr Brice Lalonde French Ambassador In Charge of International Negotiations on Climate Change, France   HE Ms Stefania Prestigiacomo Minister for Environment, Land and Sea, Italy

She pointed out various constraints within which global climate policy needs to be crafted, such as resources constraints, geographical contexts, scientific uncertainties, and so on. She proposed that an important driver for climate policy will be the involvement of Heads of State in order to achieve a high-level political agreement.
Representing the country that will have the next COP presidency, he emphasized that we must approach the process with a renewed sense of creativity in order to build upon the outcomes that we already have, and towards the outcomes that we want in terms of nature, content and scope. He identified transparency, efficiency, inclusiveness and the use of both formal and informal discussions as critical to the process that could deliver an LBA in Mexico.
HE Ms Teresa Ribera Rodriguez Secretaria de Estado de Cambio Climatico, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid, Spain   HE Mr Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico      

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