This session was initiated by Dr. R K Pachauri; who spoke about the impact of climate change and greenhouse gas emission on global commons, and the effects of their destruction on society. As an example of these effects, Dr. Pachauri mentioned the impact of climate change on sea-level rise in coastal areas.
Mr. Peter Bakker revealed how in India, a greater number of people are being made aware of sustainability. Mr. Bakker also stated that business has a clear role to play in ensuring sustainability. Mr. Sudhir Vasudeva shed light on sustainable development in terms of his work in the hydrocarbon sector. He illustrated a five-point agenda; dealing with a company's carbon footprint, the role of small businesses, initiation of outreach for sustainability, global citizenship, and issues of ethics and morality.
Dr. Sam Pitroda emphasized that developmental modules based on 20th century experiences are not sustainable or desirable, and we need to critically analyze them. According to Dr. Pitroda, Sustainability is a buzz word that everybody is concerned about. He also illuminated Gandhi's thoughts on sustainability. Mr. Anand Sharma spoke about the role of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) in relation to sustainable development, and the potential of green and clean technology in the cause of sustainability. Ms. Annapurna Vancheswaran delivered the vote of thanks.