3 February, Thursday |
Inaugural Session |
to right: Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI; Prof.
Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, United Nations
Environment Programme, Nairobi, and representing the Secretary-General,
United Nations; Dr Arcot Ramachandran, Chairman, TERI,
New Delhi; HE Mr Olafur Ragnar Grimsson,
President of Republic of Iceland; Smt Sheila Dikshit,
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of Delhi, New Delhi;
Mr Namo Narain Meena, Hon'ble Minister
of State for Environment and Forests, India; Mr
Børge Brende, Hon'ble Minister for Trade
& Industry, Norway; Prof. Jeffrey D Sachs, Director
- Earth Institute & Special Advisor to the Secretary-General
of the United Nations |
Sustainable Development Leadership Award
presented to Dr Shoichiro Toyoda, Honorary
Chairman / Member of the Board, Toyota Motor Corporation,
The award received by Mr. Hiroyuki Watanabe, Senior Managing
Director, Toyota on behalf of Dr Toyoda |
Dr Arcot Ramachandran
TERI, New Delhi
'It is vitally important for us to establish a path of
sustainable development so that by meeting the needs of
the current generation, we do not negatively affect the
ability of future generations to meet their needs..' |
Dr R K Pachauri
Director-General, TERI
'This event (DSDS) is symbolic of a much larger action
required worldwide… It is a common cause that humanity
must now pursue with an urgency and determination. ' |
Namo Narain Meena
Hon'ble Minister of State for Environment
and Forests, India
'We realize today that sustainable development of a nation
cannot be done in isolation. The quality of life is also
dependent on interaction with other fellow nations. Partnerships
need to be developed…' |
Smt Sheila Dikshit
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of Delhi, New Delhi
'The journey is long for India but the government is committed
to achieve the target. It is not enough for the government
to have golden targets, what we need is people’s
participation. ' |
HE Mr Olafur Ragnar Grimsson
President of the Republic of Iceland
'Ninety per cent of houses in my country are heated with
geothermal and other non-polluting sources.' |
Børge Brende
Hon'ble Minister for Trade & Industry, Norway
'I am glad that poverty and environmental degradation
are now recognized as threats to all. We face threats
that no nation can solve alone. We have to address them
in a new manner…in a multilateral manner. ' |
Prof. Klaus Töpfer
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme,
Nairobi, and representing
the Secretary-General, United Nations
'Dr Pachauri and TERI succeeded in bringing this event
(DSDS) on global map of sustainability…this is not
an easy task.' |
Jeffrey D Sachs
Director - Earth Institute & Special Advisor to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations
'The recent tsunami forces us to remember the silent tsunamis
that continue to inflict unrecognizable impacts on the
poorest countries of the world…What we need to achieve
is investment in people’s health, education, nutrition,
and family planning; investment in the natural environment
and in infrastructure.' |
Session 1 - Global sustainability: challenges for developed
and developing Countries |
to right: Mr
Rajesh Anand Bhagwan, Hon’ble
Minister for Environment, Mauritius;
Mr Paljor J Dorji, Advisor, National
Environment Commission and former Minister, Government
of Bhutan; Prof. Tsugio Ide, Former Vice-Minister
for International Economic Affairs, Economic Planning
Agency, Government of Japan; Mr Elliot Morley,
Hon'ble Minister for Environment & Agri-Environment,
UK; Ms Rejoice Mabudafhasi, Hon’ble
Deputy Minister for Environmental Affairs and Tourism,
South Africa; Mr Dato’ S Sothinathan, Hon’ble
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment,
Malaysia |
Elliot Morley
Hon'ble Minister for Environment & Agri-Environment,
'A low carbon economy is not a threat to development…In
terms of the agenda for sustainability we have to see
that it is integrated at all levels of government. It
is not just one department of each government…Trade
is an important means for governments to work together
but not at the cost of environmental degradation.' |
Rajesh Anand Bhagwan
Hon’ble Minister for Environment,
'Renewable energy is a matter of priority…. Access
to affordable renewable energy must be supported by the
international community as a priority.' |
Tsugio Ide
Vice-Minister for International Economic Affairs, Economic
Planning Agency, Government of Japan
'To solve energy problems we must change the contemporary
production methods and styles.' |
Mr Paljor J Dorji, Advisor
National Environment Commission
and former Minister, Government of Bhutan
'Small countries are all vulnerable to climate change.
All that we do will amount to nothing if the bigger countries
do not play their part.' |
Rejoice Mabudafhasi
Hon’ble Deputy Minister for Environmental
Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
'The gap between rich and poor continues to rise in the
African countries; agriculture has a direct link to poverty
reduction….It is crucial to ensure food security
in the developing countries, particularly in Africa.' |
Mr Dato’ S Sothinathan
Hon’ble Deputy Minister
of Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia
'Developing countries should look at interactions among
themselves while engaging the support of the developed
countries. ' |
Session 1 - Stakeholders' panorama: are we steering
development towards global sustainability? |
session will provide a forum to multilateral organisations,
corporates and the media to share their perspectives on the
performance of the global community towards sustainability.
In this context, these stakeholders will talk about their roles,
challenges and strategies in achieving the millennium development
goals. |
Session 1a - Multilateral organisations |
to right: Mr
Nitin Desai, Advisor to
the Secretary General on Information Technology (UN),
United Nations;
Dr Leonard Good, CEO & Chairman, Global Environment
Facility, Washington, USA; Mr Ian Johnson, Vice President
& Head - Environmentally and Socially Sustainable
Development, The World Bank, Washington, USA; Dr Bimal
Jalan, Hon'ble Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, New
Delhi; Dr
Sudipto Mundle, India Chief Economist, Asian Development
Bank, New Delhi; Prof. Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director,
United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya
Mr Nitin Desai
Advisor to the Secretary General on Information Technology
(UN), United Nations
'Sustainable development requires us to focus on long-term,
which is not an easy task in policy-making when short-term
goals need immediate attention.' |
Klaus Töpfer
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme,
'Last year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, Wangari Mathaai,
is known for tree plantation in Kenya. A lot of people
questioned the relationship between tree planting and
peace …sustainable development and environmental
protection is a peace policy for the world.' |
Session 1b - Corporate organisations |
to right: Mr Y C Deveshwar, Chairman, ITC Limited, Kolkata,
India; Mr C P Jain, Chairman and Managing Director, National
Thermal Power Corporation Limited, New Delhi, India;
Björn Stigson, President, World Business Council
for Sustainable Development, Switzerland; Mr Vikram S
Mehta, Chairman, Shell Group of Companies in India, New
Delhi; Mr Michael P Schulhof, Chairman, Global Technology
Investments, LLC, USA and Former CEO, SONY, USA |
Mr Y C Deveshwar
Chairman, ITC Limited, Kolkata, Indias
'There are three dimensions determining the contribution
to sustainability in companies. These are the values nurtured
in organizations, the visionary leadership, and vitality
brought about in terms of capacity. ' |
Vikram S Mehta
Chairman, Shell Group of Companies in India, New Delhi
'The issue is how do we make sustainable development a
reality. There is a three-pronged approach needed: internal
approach, implementing sustainability in areas of work,
and implementing sustainability in society.' |
Mr Michael P Schulhof
Chairman, Global Technology Investments, LLC, USA and
'Ideas that are developed for new technologies lead to
a more industrial innovation, which promotes sustainable
development. Venture capital has been instrumental in
developing such technology.' |
Session 1c - Media |
to right: Mr Saeed Naqvi, Editor, World Report, New Delhi;
Dr Sanjaya Baru, Media Adviser, Prime Minister's Office,
New Delhi; Mr Samuel Shiroff, Executive Director, Bellagio
Forum for Sustainable Development, Germany; Dr Isher Judge
Ahluwalia, Chair of the Board of Trustees, International
Food Policy Research Institute; Mr Roger Harrabin, Senior
Environment Correspondent, BBC; Mr Raj Chengappa, Managing
Editor, India Today, New Delhi; Mr Pankaj Pachauri, Senior
Editor, New Delhi Television Limited, New Delhi
Sanjaya Baru
Media Adviser, Prime Minister's Office,
New Delhi
'My specific concern is how much the NGOs are driving
the media agenda. Bigger the NGO, the more attention its
viewpoints receive.' |
Mr Roger Harrabin
Senior Environment Correspondent, BBC
'We are not short-term historians. We merely chronicle
what happens in front of our eyes.' |
Pankaj Pachauri
Senior Editor, New Delhi Television Limited,
New Delhi
'The biggest impediment to sustainable development in
India is the television. We have 100–120 television
channels, out of which a large chunk is devoted to news
where enough coverage is not given on issues of the environment….What
we need most today is information on issues of sustainable
development.' |
and Dinner (Venue: Hotel Oberoi, New
Delhi) |
to right: Dr
R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI; Mr Børge
Brende, Hon'ble Minister for Trade & Industry,
Norway; Mr Salman Khurshid, Chairman-Dept of Policy Planning
& Coord All India Congress Committee, New Delhi
Mr Salman Khurshid
Chairman-Dept of Policy Planning &
Coord All India Congress Committee, New Delhi