About DSDS
The Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS), organized annually by TERI since 2001, is an international undertaking that provides a platform for knowledge exchange and debate on all aspects of sustainable development. Over the past ten years, it has emerged as one of the most important forums on global sustainability issues, with a focus on developing world solutions. DSDS 2011, titled “Tapping Local Initiatives and Tackling Global Inertia”, will look at the vital importance of local initiatives through out the world in creating a momentum towards building a sustainable future.
DSDS 2011
"Tapping Local Initiatives and Tackling Global Inertia"
Science now tells us that climate change, trends of unsustainable use of natural resources, and ecosystem degradation are problems of immediate and growing concern the world over. We know that solutions are urgently required, and that the world’s sustained attention and focus must be applied to find them. Yet, though there are many local initiatives addressing these problems throughout the world, global-scale political will is still lacking and inertia remains. Creating the momentum the world needs now on these crucial issues will be the focus of the 11th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit.
DSDS 2011 will be a unique platform for showcasing examples of local initiatives that successfully address the planet’s most pressing problems. The summit will gather leaders and innovators from politics, NGOs, corporations, academia, and other stakeholders to work and focus together on the all important need to find a way to turn these examples of local initiatives into global momentum.
DSDS 2011 will serve both as a platform for and a challenge to the world,
to learn together the key lessons from local success stories that are needed
to move the world in the right direction.
DSDS 2010 – The Year that Was!
Celebrating its 10th anniversary DSDS 2010, themed as ‘Beyond Copenhagen: New pathways to sustainable development’, mulled upon the issues of sustainability in the post-Copenhagen world. It not only brought nations together to discuss the issues of climate change but also charted out a roadmap for the next round of negotiations to be held in Mexico this December. The summit’s participation included leaders and opinion-makers from over 60 countries as well as celebrities from the world of art and culture.