Special Events
YUVA MEET :Sustainable Solutions: Safe Water for All | Ushering Net Zero/Positive Energy Buildings in India |
Organising Agency: MOEF/British Council Date: 2-3 February 2015 Time: 0900-2100 Venue: Amphitheatre, India International Centre Contact person: Ms Monmi Barua Email: monmi.barua@teri.res.in Concept Note: The YUVA Meet is a special event of DSDS (Delhi Sustainable Development Summit). Seventh in the series, this year?s meet will be held from 2-3 February 2015 at India International Centre, Max Muller Marg, New Delhi engaging youth on the theme, ?Sustainable Solutions: Safe Water for All?. As part of the YUVA Meet, a series of State Level Youth Seminars on the theme ?Sustainable Solutions for Access to Safe Water: Promoting Innovation and Collaboration? are being organized across 7 states |
Organising Agency: REEEP Date: 3 February 2015 Venue: Silver Oak, Hall 1, India Habitat Centre Contact person: Ms Siddha Mahajan, Ms Radhika Sharma Email: Siddha Mahajan siddha.mahajan@teri.res.in Radhika Sharma Radhika.Sharma@teri.res.in Concept Note: REEEP in association with TERI is organizing an event to understand the current happenings in the building sector with respect to energy positive buildings in the country and to discuss the future prospects. The event will throw light on the regulatory, fiscal and technological aspects of energy positive buildings thereby discussing the gaps and challenges in the further expansion of these buildings in the immediate future. |
Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Sustainable Development Goals and the Means of Implementation | International Workshop on Water Security and Groundwater Management for Agriculture in the Age of Climate Change |
Date: 3 February 2015 Venue: Magnolia, India Habitat Centre Contact person: Dr Shilpi Kapur Email: shilpi.kapur@teri.res.in Concept Note: The post-2015 development agenda will not only bring a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a standard of development for countries to strive towards, but also new challenges in creating effective means of implementation for SDGs. The Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda aims to support the process of identifying best practices in means of SDG implementation by gathers experts in the field of SDG governance, financing, and technology, as well as in Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) as an important case of implementation to consider. Such dialogue and knowledge exchange is envisioned to contribute to the process of translating global commitments on sustainable development into tangible outcomes. |
Date: 3-4 February 2015 Time: 0900-1800 Venue: Silver Oak, India Habitat Centre Contact person: Ms Sonia Grover Email: sonia.grover@teri.res.in Concept Note: The overarching aim of the workshop is to engage researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders to identify options and strategies to cope with climate change and pressures on surface and ground water resources while improving water and food security in India. The findings from the following two ACIAR funded projects (along with other relevant projects from India) will provide context for this workshop: Impacts of Climate Change and Watershed Development on Wholeof-Basin Agricultural Water Security in the Krishna and Murray-Darling Basins, and Project on Improved Village Scale Groundwater Recharge and Management for Agriculture and Livelihood Development in India |
Workshop on "Japanese Experience on Promoting Heat Pump Systems for Energy Efficiency" | Bamboo as change agent - Better life, Better future |
Organising Agency: TERI and Energy Conservation Center Japan (ECCJ) Date: 4 February 2015 Venue: Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi Contact person: Chetankumar A Sangole Email: chetankumar.sangole@teri.res.in Concept Note: Heat pump is one of the most promising technologies for promoting energy efficiency in the industrial sector as well as commercial/residential buildings in India. TERI and Energy Conservation Center Japan (ECCJ) are organizing the event where the experts from ECCJ and other organisations in Japan including a few Japanese manufacturers will be sharing their knowledge and experiences about the technology of heat pump. This event is being organized by TERI and ECCJ to explore the possibilities of application of Japanese low carbon technologies like heat pumps in the Indian industry and building sector. |
Date: 5 February 2015 Time: 6 pm- 8 pm Venue: Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi Contact person: Dr J V Sharma Email: jv.sharma@teri.res.in Concept Note: India has a rich resource of bamboo next only to China with over 128 species in 18 genera covering an area of about 9.57 million hectare (approx. 13% of the total forest area of the country). Being a source material for livelihood, bamboo also plays a vital role in environmental amelioration, bio diversity preservation, soil and water conservation, waste purification. With continuous rise in demand, bamboo resources in their natural habitat are dwindling due to over exploitation, shifting cultivation practices, poor and unscientific management techniques and extensive forest fires etc. The proposed side event will throw light on these issues and propose possible mitigation strategies. In addition to this, the event will provide solutions for policy and legal bottlenecks required for enhancing livelihood opportunities through bamboo. |