World Sustainable Development Summit 2016
The World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS) 2016, themed, 'Beyond 2015: People, Planet & Progress', is among the first international platforms to discuss the new agenda post the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals and the signing of the Paris Agreement. It has gathered global leaders and thinkers on a single platform to stimulate action for sustainable development.
Special Features at WSDS 2016
- Regional Dialogues: A series of pre-events hosted in the cities of Guwahati, Bengaluru Mumbai and New Delhi, themed, ‘Localising the Post-2015 Development Agenda’ .This series of Dialogues seeks to explore the next critical step, post the coining of the Sustainable Development Goals - ‘how’ these goals and their targets can be successfully achieved over the next 15 years, including ‘who’ the primary actors need to be for meaningful implementation.
- Business Day 2016: Curtain raiser to the WSDS, it is a platform for industry captains to brainstorm ideas for conducting business while protecting the environment. The theme for 2016 is, Beyond 2015: People, Planet & Progress -Mobilising Business Strategies & Solutions
- Exhibition - Greenovation 2016: The Exhibition will provide an excellent opportunity for global players to showcase the very best of technologies in the areas of renewable energy, waste management, sustainable buildings, sustainable transport, water management and financing for sustainable development and energy efficiency.
- Sustainable Development Leadership Award: Awarded every year since 2005 to an eminent global leader, felicitating their contributions in the field of sustainable development.
- Thematic Tracks: In addition to Summit plenaries, these parallel break-away sessions allow for discussions on finer nuances of the Summit theme. These tracks are populated by domain experts and practitioners providing feasible solutions to challenges faced by local and global communities in maintaining the balance between securing environmental sustainability and development.
- Media Colloquium: A Summit to sensitise young journalists about issues of sustainability and climate change.
- Plenaries: Plenaries at the Summit will be designed to discuss the select sub-themes.
- NDCs: Plans, Policies & Priorities
- Energy Transitions: Perspectives & Priorities
- Climate ~ Energy ~ Food Nexus
- Climate Finance
- Habitat III Agenda - Sustainable Development Goals and Implications on Cities
- Beyond 2015: Sustainable Infrastructure for Africa’s Transformation
- Synchronising INDC Actions to Achieve SDGs on Water
- Air Pollution is a Solvable Problem
The Delhi Sustainable Development Summit was initiated in 2001, with the sole aim of making 'sustainable development' a globally shared goal. The Summit brought together the finest minds and leading thinkers of the world to focus attention on the challenge of sustainable development as it relates to prevalent trends at the global, regional, and local levels.
Nobel laureates, leading decision-makers from governments, bilaterals, and multilaterals, heads of corporates, high-level functionaries from the diplomatic corps, scientists, media-personnel, researchers, and representatives of non-governmental organisations from across the world have marked their presence at the DSDS editions.
Possibly the sole forum on global issues taking place in the developing world, the DSDS strived to provide long-term solutions for the benefit of the global community by assembling the world's most enlightened leaders and thinkers on a single platform. With expressions of commendation from across the globe, the DSDS series emerged as a landmark event addressing issues pertinent to the future of humanity.
A total of 46 heads of state and government, 13 Nobel laureates, ministers from over 60 countries, close to 1600 speakers and delegates from across continents over 15 editions have come together at the DSDS to actively engage in discourses on issues of sustainability and discuss paths; institutions and individuals should adopt for sustainable development.
WHY participate?
- To contribute in shaping long term solutions to protect the planet.
- Help develop a link between local communities and global stakeholders.
- Take the first step in transforming words into action.
WHO should participate?
- As the DSDS now transitions into a greater global movement - the WSDF - the platform, as in the past, is a must for:
- Decision-makers from governments, corporates, non-governmental organisations;
- Pioneering researchers and scientists;
- Leading media representatives;
- Senior executives from bilateral, multilateral and the diplomatic corps; and
- Youth - the leaders of tomorrow.