G20 Leadership for a Green Development Pact

Day: 22th February, 2023 | Wednesday
Time: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm IST | Click here for time in your location
Venue: Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

The Imperative

The G20 accounts for the majority of the world economy along with significant outputs in terms of global exports, energy consumption, and GHG emissions. Therefore, the G20 must provide impetus for action plans for promoting green transitions. G20 countries are not only economically significant but also extremely relevant for global environment stewardship. Over the last 50 years, resource consumption in the G20 countries has significantly increased. According to the International Resource Panel, material consumption for G20 countries increased from 19 billion tonnes to 73 billion tonnes. Along with the absolute consumption, G20’s share in global consumption has also witnessed an uprising trend increasing from 62% to 74%. According to the International Energy Agency, more than two-third of the world’s energy, i.e., 71.6% in 2019, was consumed by G20 countries. According to the Global Carbon Project, G20 accounts for 94% of cumulative CO₂ emissions from 1850 to 2019. In terms of per capita emissions, India’s per capita emissions are less than half the world average and the lowest among the G20 countries. It is therefore amply clear that the G20 has to lead the way to foster green development which is equitable and sustainable.

Leading the G20 presidency, India has set ambitious goals for inclusive sustainable economic growth and climate action. This opportunity to lead G20 comes at a time with the backdrop of the impending effects from COVID-19 and the Ukraine-Russia conflict dispute which has further exposed the current vulnerabilities of the systems.

Green Development and India’s G20 Presidency

India’s G20 presidency focusses on employing investments in sustainable lifestyle, energy transitions and accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (MEA 2022). In its G20 Presidency, India is pushing for the cross-cutting theme of LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), which is envisaged to be a lifestyle and behavior-based mass movement. The paradigm of LiFE as envisioned by India also espouses the importance of traditional knowledge and lifestyles. Through nudging consumer behavior, LiFE can induce market forces to innovate to promote sustainable consumption choices.

Formulating development plans with climate action in mind, India’s G20 priorities includes a “Green Development Pact” which is expected to include a roadmap of actions over the next decade to tackle the environment crisis through international cooperation (Jaishankar 2023). Green Development Pact is expected to be a blueprint of strong actions for the next decade powering green development all over the world. The five pillars of the Green Development Pact are envisaged to include: Lifestyle of Environment (LiFE), Circular Economy, Climate Finance, Accelerating Progress on SDGs, and Energy Transitions & Energy Security.


It now becomes essential to articulate the specifics of the green development pact as well as mechanisms to ensure the operationalizing of the Pact. With this background the plenary session will deliberate on specific recommendations for the outcomes of the current G20 Presidency.

Key Questions (speakers are requested to address all/ at least two questions)

[1] The five pillars of the Green Development Pact, under India’s G20 Presidency, are envisaged to include: Lifestyle of Environment (LiFE), Circular Economy, Climate Finance, Accelerating Progress on SDGs, and Energy Transitions & Energy Security. What would be your proposals on the specifics of the Green Development Pact?
[2] How can LiFE be further internationalized through the G20 forum?
[3] How can G20 countries collaborate to further circular economy?
[4] What norms on climate finance can be pushed for through the G20 and G7 forums?
[5] How can G20 countries collaborate to address the energy trilemma of energy security, energy equity and environmental sustainability?
[6] What role could G20 play in accelerating progress on the sustainable development goals?


The session will involve a chaired/ moderated discussion, which will start with brief remarks by the chair/ moderator followed by brief addresses/ statements by the speakers. After the addresses, depending on the remaining time, the chair will pose 1–2 questions to the esteemed speakers based on issues emerging from the addresses. The chair/ moderator will then sum up the discussions. The total length of the panel discussion is 60 minutes. The addresses should be in the form of verbal interventions only. The WSDS Secretariat requests speakers to avoid using power point presentations. Strict time management is to be followed, for which there will be a timer/ buzzer.


Ministry of External Affairs. (2022, December 9). G-20 and India’s Presidency. Retrieved from PIB Mumbai: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1882356

Jaishankar, S. (2023, January 14). Will push Green Development Pact at G20. Retrieved from Hindustan Times: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/will-push-green-development-pact-at-g20-jaishankar-at-global-south-summit-101673636281543.html


WSDS Secretariat

Centre for Sustainable
Development Research and Leadership,
The Energy & Resources Institute
6C, Darbari Seth Block, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110 003 India

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