Global Commons are extremely vital for the survival of all species on this planet. But now, anthropocentric actions have over-exploited these commons, pushing them beyond a breaking point. Hence, they need to be protected and governed responsibly. Literature shows that changes in surface temperature of our planet due to is affecting the global commons drastically, which in turn, is affecting the various types of biodiversity dependent on it. Evidence also suggests that these global commons can play an important role in fighting against climate change. Currently, governance of global commons remain contentious since there is no single state or region having complete responsibility for their governance. Moreover, the developing countries face a particular challenge in undertaking expensive environmental impact assessments or monitoring the global commons.
In this context, TERI is putting together a policy brief urging stakeholders to discuss how and why systemic transformations are needed in governance of global commons to build resilience against the impacts of climate change. Relatedly, this virtual policy dialogue is being organized to engage with stakeholders and experts on global commons and governance to solicit feedback and inputs for the policy brief.
Key guiding questions for the dialogue are as follows:
- What kind of transformations are needed to protect and govern global commons (particularly, oceans and atmosphere) such that they are used responsibly to address the challenges related to climate change?
- How can global commons be mainstreamed into the climate action agenda at an international level so that various governance structures are interlinked to ensure appropriate policymaking?
- What are the ways governance of global commons be considered from a lens of equity, ensuring that both Global North and Global South work in a concerted manner to tackle climate change?
Senior Researcher, Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE), University of Geneva

Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Research Fellow, National Maritime Foundation

Head, World Ocean Initiative, The Economist Group

Chairperson, Department of International Relations, South Asian University

Senior Manager, Climate program, World Resources Institute India

Executive Director, Capitals Coalition

Distinguished Fellow, TERI

Associate Director and Senior Fellow, TERI

Research Associate, TERI

Fellow, TERI